Tuesday, November 15, 2011

On Saturday December 18th my roommate Andrea made cookies! They were delicious!

We went out that night to celebrate our roommate Haley's birthday at the Portabello Yacht Club.  This is what happens when other people take pictures...a little blurry, but at least I'm in one...in my costume because I came straight from work.

It was misting when we left which made downtown look really interesting.

Then back home we finished celebrating!

No pictures from Thursday, and Friday was really from very early morning Saturday.  It counts because we were still awake from Friday night's shift.  Another awesome time at Waffle House.  This is what Disney employees look like after they get to leave - tired and surly.

I took one picture on Wednesday the 15th in our Learning Center at Epcot - decorated for the holidays.

Tuesday the 14th was our graduation ceremony from the College Program.  We celebrated with a cookout at Camp Minnie-Mickey - only in Florida! It was still cold as evidenced by the hoodie, hat, and borrowed costume peacoat.

With my roommates...Andrea, myself, and Laura

Then with Haley

and Avery, my actual room-mate

All of us together for lunch (added Chrissy, final roommate)

I stuck around to meet up with my boat captain friends.  Here we are in line to get photos with Mickey and Minnie.  Justin, James, Paul, myself and Chad in the front.

My turn with Mickey and Minnie!

Line dancing with the characters - awesome.

The boat captains didn't want to end our day, so we decided to meet at DHS for the OFSoDL.  Let me see if these panoramic shots work here.  I think they better express how engulfed you are by lights.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to it

So I never put my Sony pictures up, but I figured I should finish this project up and have a completed 365...or at least the 9 months-worth that I was there.  I have been looking through the pictures lately ordering prints for my scrapbooks, which makes me very nostalgic for WDW.  I miss being there a lot.

There's a slight gap between the last post and the newest pictures - I had to wait about a week to get my new camera, but I do love my new little Sony.  I think you'll see that in the pictures!

Monday, December 13 my roommates and I used our free pass to DisneyQuest - we had an awesome time on the vintage games, but like everyone else I've talked to, they found the virtual stuff to be pretty urpy.

Then I met my sister over at Team Disney

because we were going to ICE at the Gaylord Palms that night.

Everything is carved out of ice - they import artisans from China (apparently a lot of talented ice artists there). It was themed after the Night Before Christmas.

That includes the slide!

This was the part I was the most impressed with - a whole nativity scene that was very intricate.  However, my hands were so cold by that point that we had to leave pretty quick!

The hotel itself was very well-appointed for the holiday as well!

December 12 I made a wreath to represent the Friendships in a WSC contest - it didn't win, but I'm still proud of it.  This was the first day they were up and displayed for voting.

Then as I was walking to WSC I found some characters out training - this was my favorite shot (taken by myself, thank you!)

Then our late night tradition - good times at Waffle House after our shift, still dressed as captains.  The night crew got to know us pretty well by the end.

December 11 after Epcot closed - great view of the Christmas tree. It looks like I got to walk back - that's too steady a picture for being from a boat.